PRIZES: There will be one (1) First Prize, one (1) Second Prize, and one (1) Third Prize awarded.
The First Prize Winner, upon the Administrator’s confirmation of eligibility, will receive a Carnival Cruise (awarded as a $10,000 Carnival Cruise voucher or gift card or gift certificate). All travel arrangements are subject to availability, blackout dates & other restrictions. Reservations must be confirmed at least (90) days prior to intend date of departure and are subject to availability at time of request.

The Second Prize Winner, upon the Administrator’s confirmation of eligibility, will receive a Spa Day Experience (awarded as a $1,000 Spa Finder gift card or gift certificate). In addition, the Second Prize Winner will have the option of accepting a 60% Cash option $600 in lieu of the aforementioned prize.

The Third Prize Winner, upon the Administrator’s confirmation of eligibility, will receive a GoPro Camera (awarded as a $500 Best Buy Gift Card). In addition, the Third Prize Winner will have the option of accepting a 60% Cash option $300 in lieu of the aforementioned prize

May 19 12:21 pm