One (1) Grand Prize awarded. Grand Prize will consist of the following: five thousand dollars ($5,000) in Ace Hardware gift cards, which will be awarded in the form of twenty (20) $250 Ace Hardware gift cards, and a personalized paint recommendation from an Ace Design Expert.

Recommendation will consist of a document outlining recommended paint colors and a Clark+Kensington fan deck that will be mailed to the Grand Prize Winner at the mailing address provided in the Entry. To receive the Recommendation, the Grand Prize Winner will be required to email to Sponsors, within thirty (30) days following the date Grand Prize Winner is verified, at least one (1) photo of the room(s) he or she intends to paint, and details for the Ace Design Expert to consider when preparing the personalized paint color Recommendation, such as color likes/dislikes, décor style preferences, and the function of the room (collectively, “Details”). If the Grand Prize Winner fails to provide the Details to the Sponsors within the thirty (30) day time period, the Recommendation portion of the Grand Prize will be forfeited, and the remaining elements of Grand Prize shall constitute full satisfaction of Sponsors’ Grand Prize obligation to Grand Prize Winner and no additional compensation will be awarded.. Estimated Retail Value (“ERV”) of Grand Prize is five thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($5,250).

Ten (10) Runner-Up Prizes awarded. Runner-Up Prize will consist of the following: one (1) Ace Hardware gift card for one hundred dollars ($100). ERV of Runner-Up Prize is one hundred dollars ($100).

ERV of all Prizes is six thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($6,250).

Apr 28 2:19 am