Potential winners of an extra spin, points or $200 will be notified immediately at the conclusion of their game play. Additionally, potential Grand Prize winners will receive an email sent to their email address associated with their Facebook account. This email will contain prize claim instructions.

 Fifty-Four (54) Grand Prizes (one (1) will be awarded each Day during the Promotion Period) – Each Grand Prize consists of a $200 Bank-issued, pre-loaded Debit Card. Grand Prize winners will receive their prize within 6 – 8 weeks of winner’s verification from Sponsor’s fulfillment provider.

 Kellogg’s Family Rewards™ Points – Available Prizes:
 A Free Spin on the Prize Pantry.
 100 Points KFR Code.
 50 Points KFR Code.
 20 Points KFR Code.

 Total ARV of all prizes $22,234.81

Oct 30 1:55 am