Class Action Settlements

Gift Cards/Certs
Mar 29 7:33 am

I frequently post Class Action Settlements when they involve a lot of people, but there are always many available that affect less people. I’ll add new ones to the bottom of these tables as I find them. The first group is for settlements that don’t require proof, and the second table requires proof for submission.
Updated 3/29/25 Read more

Free Simply Organic Sheet Pan Seasoning Mix at Sprouts

Mar 29 6:11 am -clip the coupon for a Free Simply Organic Sheet Pan Seasoning Mix at Sprouts stores. Expires 5/7.

Free Stuff from Webinars

Gift Cards/Certs
Mar 29 5:33 am

Many Companies and Organizations have webinars and online meetings where they’ll provide rewards for attending their webinars. Below I’ll provide a list of upcoming webinars where you can earn free stuff, usually gift cards. In most cases you will have to attend the webinar online until it ends, and sometimes they’ll make you do something like an exit survey before you get your gift.
Since they’re professional events, you will have better odds of getting the gift if you can use a professional/business email address instead of something like a gmail. Business name and titles are often required as well. I’ll continue to update this post as I find more of them, the new webinars will be in bold with each update:

78 Free Kindle ebook downloads

Mar 29 5:16 am

These kindle ebooks can be read on the kindle, but also on your computer with the kindle program, or the kindle app on many different mobile devices. Kindle ebook prices change very frequently, so make sure that the price is $0 before you checkout. If this post is more than a day old, there is a good chance that many of these ebooks are no longer free. Make sure you visit this link to see the latest Free Kindle Ebook post, and all the previous posts. Happy Reading!
Today’s top rated books:

Free Stuff Times Daily Summary

Mar 28 11:47 pm

Here are today’s top Freebies, Contests, and Deals! Have a great weekend!

Free Stuff



2 Free Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach Friday Tickets

Tickets & Points
Mar 28 5:23 pm  -add up to 2 Friday General Admission tickets and use one of these promo codes to make them free. It’s on April 11.

Free Ziploc Item

Mar 28 2:17 pm -fill out the form and select the retailer where you want to use the coupon. If you choose Walmart you might be able to get it to work on, but I was unable to, but it will work in store. Don’t select amazon it won’t work there. The digital coupon takes $4 off any participating Ziploc item, so you will be able to find something free or nearly free.

78 Free Kindle ebook downloads

Mar 28 7:47 am

These kindle ebooks can be read on the kindle, but also on your computer with the kindle program, or the kindle app on many different mobile devices. Kindle ebook prices change very frequently, so make sure that the price is $0 before you checkout. If this post is more than a day old, there is a good chance that many of these ebooks are no longer free. Make sure you visit this link to see the latest Free Kindle Ebook post, and all the previous posts. Happy Reading!
Today’s top rated books:

Free handcrafted beverage at Capital One Cafe

Mar 28 6:44 am -fill out the form to get a digital coupon for  a Free Drink at Capital One Cafe every monday through September 22. .  –locator