A. Instant Win Game Prizes: The following Instant Win Game prizes are available during
the Promotion Period (“Instant Win Game Prizes”):
Number of
Instant Win Game Prize
ARV (each)
25 $250 $250
A. Sweepstakes Prize (1): The Sweepstakes prize is $25,000 for winner and Sponsor will
make a $25,000 donation to a charity of winner’s choice from among Sponsor preapproved charities (“Sweepstakes Prize”). Only the Sponsor will make the donations to
the charity. The Sweepstakes winner is not making any donation and will not receive a
receipt nor will he/she be eligible to claim any charitable deductions on their tax returns
as a result of this Promotion. There will be one (1) Sweepstakes Prize. The ARV of the
Sweepstakes Prize is $25,000.
B. Total ARV: The total ARV of all available prizes in the Promotion is $31,250

Dec 1 7:51 pm