A total of two thousand, seven hundred prizes will be awarded as described below:
Instant-Win Prizes: Two thousand, four hundred and thirty (2,430) Instant-Win prizes as described below will be awarded randomly throughout the Promotion Period.
Two thousand two hundred fifty (2,250) Uber digital codes* will be awarded. Retail value (RV) of each Uber digital code*: $8. RV of all Uber digital codes: $18,000.
One hundred eighty (180) one hundred dollar ($100) gift cards* will be awarded. RV of each gift card: $100. RV of all gift cards: $18,000.
ARV of all Instant Win Prizes: $36,000.
Secondary Sweepstakes Prizes: Two hundred and seventy (270) Secondary Sweepstakes Prizes as described below will be awarded in a random drawing to be held on or about 1/3/17 from among all eligible entries received from residents of New Jersey and Texas by 11:59 p.m. ET on 12/31/16.
Two hundred fifty (250) Uber digital codes* will be awarded. Actual retail value (ARV) of each Uber digital code: $8. ARV of all Uber digital codes: $2,000.
Twenty (20) one hundred dollar ($100) gift cards* will be award. ARV of each gift card*: $100 ARV of all gift cards: $2,000.
ARV of all Secondary Sweepstakes prizes: $4,000
ARV of all prizes: $40,000.