A total of two hundred and fifty (250) prizes (each, a “Promotion Prize” or “Prize”, and together, the “Promotion
Prizes”, or “Prizes”) will be awarded in connection with the Promotion as detailed below:
• Fifty (50) grand prizes (each, a “Grand Prize”) and each comprising of one (1) Tito’s branded Cornhole
Set. Approximate retail value (“ARV”) $235/each Grand Prize
One hundred (100) first prizes (each, a “First Prize”) and each comprising of one (1) Tito’s branded
Grilling Apron & Tools (ARV $100/each First Prize).
• One hundred (100) second prizes (each, a “Second Prize”) and each comprising of one (1) Tito’s Dog
Toy Kit & Dog Bandana (ARV $20.50/each).
The total ARV of all two hundred and fifty (250) Promotion Prizes is $23,800

Mar 4 2:05 pm