text BALLER to 24272 or to enter without text, email captainmorgan@avidinc.com, including as the subject line “DIA3555923W Captain Morgan Holiday X Ben Baller Sweepstakes Entry,” along with your name, phone number, address & date of birth.
ONE (1) Prize awarded. Prize is a yellow gold and diamond chain crafted/designed by the jeweler Ben Baller (Mr. Ben Yang), with an Approximate Retail Value of $25,000. Approximate Retail Value reflects appraisal value of Ben Baller chain and not its resale value. Chain will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and appraisal from a gemologist of Sponsor’s sole choosing. As part of prize, winner also receive a check for $7,000 (which may be used by winner to pay for taxes on prize award or otherwise). Total Approximate Retail Value of prize is $32,000.