PRIZE DETAILS, ODDS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS. One (1) prize will be awarded. The prize consists of
a trip for Winner and Winner’s one (1) guest to attend an open practice for the Miami Heat during Training Camp
in October 2024. Exact travel dates shall be determined by Sponsor, in Sponsor’s sole discretion, and shall be
communicated to the Winner at the time of prize notification. The trip includes round-trip (main cabin) coach air
transportation (from a major airport servicing American Airlines nearest Winner’s home to the Bahamas) for
Winner and Winner’s one (1) guest; standard, double-occupancy hotel accommodations (one room) for two (2)
nights; and $400.00 spending money (awarded in the form of a check, payable to winner). Ground
transportation (including to and from the departure/arrival airports and the game), upgrades, meals,
gratuities, luggage fees, and all other expenses not specified herein are solely the Winner’s
responsibility. A guest cannot be a minor unless the Winner is the guest’s legal guardian. Approximate Retail
Value (“ARV”) is up to $2,900.00

Aug 12 2:50 am