Code of the day:
3/17: BEE
One (1) National Grand Prizewinner will receive the following:

A Five Thousand U.S. Dollar (US $5,000.00) American Express gift card (terms and conditions of the American Express gift card will apply).

Warner Bros. prize pack (to be determined by Sponsor) valued at Fifty U.S. Dollars (US $50.00).
Estimated Retail Value (“ERV”) of the National Grand Prize: Five Thousand Fifty U.S. Dollars (US $5,050.00).


Fifteen (15) National Daily Prizewinners (each a “Daily Prize Winner”) will each receive:

A Five Hundred U.S. Dollar (US $500.00) gift card or cash or cash equivalent (as determined by Sponsor in Sponsor’s sole discretion).

Warner Bros. prize pack (to be determined by Sponsor) valued at Fifty U.S. Dollars ($50.00).
ARV of each National Daily Prize: Five Hundred Fifty U.S. Dollars (US $550.00). Total ARV of all National Daily Prizes: Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fifty U.S. Dollars (US $8,250.00).


Five Hundred (500) National Runner-Up Prizewinners (each a “Runner-Up Prize Winner”) will each receive:

Tickets for two (2) admissions to “A MINECRAFT MOVIE” at a theater near Prizewinner’s residence (ARV of Thirty U.S. Dollars (US $30.00)). Tickets may not be sold, bartered or traded. All other charges, fees, and/or amounts, (including but not limited to concession items and travel) are not included in the National Runner-Up Prize.

AVR of each National Runner-Up Prize: Thirty U.S. Dollars (US $30.00). Total ARV of all National Runner-Up Prizes: Fifteen Thousand U.S. Dollars (US $15,000.00).

TOTAL ARV OF ALL PRIZES: Twenty-Eight Thousand Three Hundred U.S. Dollars (US $28,300.00).

Mar 17 7:48 pm