Prizes: There are fifty (50) Prizes available to be awarded (each a “Prize”). Each Prize is
comprised of the following:
● Thirteen (13) cases of Welch’s Juicefuls Monster Splash: Each case contains six (6)
boxes, with each box having an ARV of $6.00. The total approximate retail value (“ARV”)
for the Welch’s Juicefuls Monster Splash component of the Prize is $468.00 (i.e., 13
cases × $36.00 per case); and Ten (10) cases of Welch’s Fruit Snacks (Halloween): Each case contains twelve (12)
bags, with each bag having an ARV of $1.50. The total ARV for the Welch’s Fruit Snacks
(Halloween) component of the Prize is $180.00 (i.e., 10 cases × $18.00 per case).
ARV of each Prize: $648.00. Total ARV of all fifty (50) Prizes available in the Sweepstakes:

Oct 21 2:11 pm