Free Stuff from Webinars
Many Companies and Organizations have webinars and online meetings where they’ll provide rewards for attending their webinars. Below I’ll provide a list of upcoming webinars where you can earn free stuff, usually gift cards. In most cases you will have to attend the webinar online until it ends, and sometimes they’ll make you do something like an exit survey before you get your gift.
Since they’re professional events, you will have better odds of getting the gift if you can use a professional/business email address instead of something like a gmail. Business name and titles are often required as well. I’ll continue to update this post as I find more of them, the new webinars will be in bold with each update:
- Empowering Legal Teams: Tools and Strategies for Success on March 19 at 11AM -$25 Uber eats gift card
- ARCHIVES AND RE-ISSUES on March 19 at 9:30AM -coffee gift card -click add to calendar to sign up
- Free Psilocybin Therapy Webinar on March 19 at Noon -Lunch gift card
- AI Webinar – The Future of AI in the Workplace on March 20 at 11AM -$25 food gift card
- Palo Alto Networks Partner Sales University on March 20 at 1PM -$10 starbucks card
- Axiamatic on March 20 at 4PM -$20 Uber Eats gift card -first 200
- Round Table for Guardian Ad Litems on March 22 at 10AM -$5 Starbucks gift card
- AUTOMATION AT THE DOCK on March 25 at 1PM -For senior supply chain leaders only -$50 Amazon Gift Card