The Best Survey Company on the internet

9:05 am "Surveys" | 0 Comments 

Pinecone Research has opened up registration for everyone! This survey company is definitely the best company on the internet. They will send you surveys all the time and every time you complete one they will either paypal you, or send you a check for $3-5 dollars. They send the payments immediately, unlike most other companies.
Pinecone will send you “household question” surveys once and a while(do not earn you money), and they use this information to figure out which paying surveys will apply to you. They will ask you questions about the type of products that you use, if you have pets, kids, etc. These usually only take a few minutes to complete.

The product surveys will take a little longer, but those are the ones that will make you money. Sometimes after you complete a product survey Pinecone will tell you that they will be sending you a product to try. This is probably the most exciting part of these surveys, becuase you get to try products that aren’t even on the market yet. I have tried some things such as a frozen meal(shipped in a foam cooler with dry ice), candy bars, video games, and more. This testing will also earn you money, and you almost always get to keep the product!

I can’t think of anything bad to say about this company, and I think everyone should sign up. You aren’t required to take the surveys, but they are easy and fun to do if you have some spare time. They also don’t always have registration open, so if you sign up now you won’t have to worry about getting in at a later time when it might not be open.

edit-the registration link isnt working right now, but I will update this post when it is.