Walmart Deals This Week

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Birds Eye Steamfresh Flavorful Froze Veggies $1.74
Use the $1.00/1 Birds Eye Streamfresh Flavorfuls Item coupon from the 8/16 Smartsource inserts
and the $0.75 Ibotta Offer to make it Free

Hunt’s Snack Pack Pudding 4pk $1.00
Nabisco Go-Paks $1.00
Use the Buy 1 Hunt’s Snack Pack Get 1 Nabisco Go-Pak print coupon -enter zipcode 77477 to make it $0.50 each

Irish Spring Gear Body Wash: $3.88
Use the $1.50 off Irish Spring Signature Body Wash or Soap print coupon to make it $2.38

Irish Spring Signature for Men: $3.97
Use the $1.50 off Irish Spring Signature Body Wash or Soap print coupon to make it $2.47

Hinode Rice 3 lb Pearl: $1.78
Use the $1.00 off any one HINODE RICE product print coupon to make it $0.78

Ivory Body Wash: $0.97
Use the $0.50/1 Ivory Body Wash or Bars print coupon to make it $0.47 Read more