Make Money Online as a Virtual Juror

Jan 21 10:45 am

There are a couple great sites online where you can earn some extra cash by being  in a Virtual Jury.  The first is   Here is how works(according to their site). 
First, Attorneys submit their case information and questions for the jury.  Then, as an eligible online juror you may be asked to review cases that are filed in your county or federal district. You will receive an email invitation from to review the case at your convenience, but once enough responses are received, the case will close and no additional participants are needed.  Your email invitation will provide a link to the website. After you log in you will be directed to the case and asked to agree to the confidentiality policy, review the case materials and answer all questions about that case.

There are no right or wrong answers. We are only looking for your honest reaction to the information that was presented to you. Your time commitment for each case will vary from 20 minutes to 1 hour depending on the details of the case, but you always have the option to choose which cases you want to review. The estimated time commitment for each case will be included in your email invitation.
After you complete a case you will be paid for your time. Payment amounts vary depending on the complexity and length of the case you review, but payments start at $20 per case and can go up to $60 per case. Checks are mailed once a month to the address you have on file in your account. The number of cases you may be asked to review will also vary depending on the number of attorneys in your area who are using this service.

The second site is Here is how works(according to their site).
eJury provides an attorney the opportunity to “pre-try” the case before it goes to trial in front of an actual jury at the courthouse.  Cases at the courthouse are usually tried to juries of 12 people.  At eJury, each case is tried to a minimum of 50 people.  This provides the attorney with a tremendous amount of feedback which he/she will use to establish a settlement value, find strengths and weaknesses in the evidence, learn “public” attitudes, improve jury selection, discover the most effective arguments,….

The typical eJury case works like this:
Step 1:  The attorney prepares the Case Submission which consists of facts from the perspectives of each party, the jury questions which would be used at trial, and personal questions designed to obtain additional feedback.
Step 2:  eJury converts the attorney’s Case Submission into an “html format” and posts it to a secure location on our website where only eJurors in the county of selection can access the case.  The eJurors in that county are then notified by e-mail that a new case has been posted.
Step 3:  The eJurors return to our website, log in, and begin reviewing the facts and answering the questions, each clicking a “Submit Verdict” button upon completion.  Once the minimum number of verdicts have been rendered (usually 50), the case automatically concludes.  A case summary is posted later for those interested in seeing the results.

The pay on these sites varies anywhere from $5-$60. eJury Pay less than OnlineVerdict, but eJury usually has more cases available.  These usually take anywhere from 20-40 minutes to complete, and you will probably be able to make it shorter as you do more of them.  eJury requires that you enter your Drivers License number when you sign up, which makes some people hesitant to sign up, but both of these companies are legit and are safe to sign up for.  They are a great way to make some extra money each month, and are quite different than most online money making opportunities. 

Make Money Online with CashCrate

Offer Sites, Surveys
Jan 2 11:22 am

There are many sites online that you can make money from by doing offers and surveys, but CashCrate is one of the few reliable sites that I have a lot of faith in.  On CashCrate you can take up to 3 surveys a day, which pay $.80, and you can do as many offers as you want.  These offers have a wide range of payouts, from 20 cents to 20 dollars.  Some offers are as simple as filling out a form, and others require you to make a purchase or sign up for some type of free trial.  CashCrate makes it easy by letting you sort through offers that require or don’t require a credit card.  You can also do offers for points instead of cash, and you can redeem the points for gift cards and other types of merchandise.  I’d suggest doing the cash payout offers though, and just buy what you would like with that cash when they send you your payment.
Another easy way to make money from CashCrate is by getting referrals to sign up under you.  Depending on how many referrals you have you can earn as much as 25% of the amount that your referrals earn, and as much as 15% of what their referrals earn. CashCrate will also send you $3 every time one of your referrals reaches their first $10 of earnings. 

CashCrate pays out around the 20th of every month, so if you earn $10 by January 31, you will receive a check for 10 dollars by February 25th or so(at the latest).  They are very reliable at paying out, unlike many of the other offer companies out there.  CashCrate is a great site to do in some spare time, since it doesn’t take long to do one or two offers or surveys.  By the end of the month you will have some extra money to use to go out to dinner, pay your cell phone bill, etc.  Click here to sign up for CashCrate.

The Best Survey Company on the internet

Dec 7 9:05 am

Pinecone Research has opened up registration for everyone! This survey company is definitely the best company on the internet. They will send you surveys all the time and every time you complete one they will either paypal you, or send you a check for $3-5 dollars. They send the payments immediately, unlike most other companies.
Pinecone will send you “household question” surveys once and a while(do not earn you money), and they use this information to figure out which paying surveys will apply to you. They will ask you questions about the type of products that you use, if you have pets, kids, etc. These usually only take a few minutes to complete.

The product surveys will take a little longer, but those are the ones that will make you money. Sometimes after you complete a product survey Pinecone will tell you that they will be sending you a product to try. This is probably the most exciting part of these surveys, becuase you get to try products that aren’t even on the market yet. I have tried some things such as a frozen meal(shipped in a foam cooler with dry ice), candy bars, video games, and more. This testing will also earn you money, and you almost always get to keep the product!

I can’t think of anything bad to say about this company, and I think everyone should sign up. You aren’t required to take the surveys, but they are easy and fun to do if you have some spare time. They also don’t always have registration open, so if you sign up now you won’t have to worry about getting in at a later time when it might not be open.

edit-the registration link isnt working right now, but I will update this post when it is.