Animal Pump Pre-Workout Creatine Sample

by David - Samples
Dec 14 11:32 am

I am a nut for working out, so i will give this Animal Pump Pre Workout sample�a try and see if only a sample size will convice me to purchase more. Nice small full size sample tho!

Health Improvement Kit

by David - Kits
Dec 14 11:31 am

This is a nice small Health kit. It includes a small pocket size 130 page guide to practically every food you can think of, it includes sat fat, fat, calories ect several health�listing of most foods that are available today. Real nice book to carry when you go shopping. Thanx

$25 American Gem Society GC

by David - Gift Cards/Certs
Dec 14 11:29 am

There is a place less that 5 miles from my home that will honor this Gift card, so this is a GREAT GC to get!