Free subscription to Graphic Design USA

by Suzie C - Magazines
Jan 21 6:55 am

Got my first issue addressed to my semi-real design company. This one profiled the up and coming people in the Graphic Design industry. Unfortunately, my attention span won”t allow me to read it.

Free 10 Count Sample of Pamprin

by Suzie C - Other
Jan 21 6:55 am

Never tried their product….or anything for this actually. We’ll see how this works. I might become a regular user.

Free Custom �Play Money� samples

by Suzie C - Samples
Jan 21 6:55 am

I was determined to get this one!

It finally went through on the 15th and made it to my mailbox in 3 days.

Basically what they send you are coupons printed on their paper samples for $5 off an order of $15 or more.

I got an assortment of pinks and blues. These are actually pretty cute. I kida like the metallic ones.

FYI – colored security, red tint paper actually looks purple.

Free Republic of Tea Sample

by Suzie C - Tea
Jan 21 6:54 am

Got this the other day. One sample tea bag and their catalog.

Haven’t tried the tea yet but their catalog was interesting to flip through.