Free stuff with coupons

by Smiley - Books, Coupons/In Store deals, Magazines, Other
May 24 11:02 am

i used coupons for the first time at Target. I got 2 Goldfish but I don’t know why the other one is not there.. :ugh: :yum:

I got most coupons from complimenting companies, but this the only one that you can get from this site. (Coffe-mate):

Freebies of today

by Smiley - Samples
May 24 10:58 am

Mailman was here on time, 1:30…
Neutrogena Acne Stree control sample:
Natrue Made sample:…
My 4th & fifth YSL samples. Smells sooo good. But I love CK euphoria better; it’s a sexy scent.…
God’s powere to change your life book:…
Another EAS sample coupon (Umm not for me):
Free coupon of Powerade with Coke Rewards, & Nestle coupon for free item & $0.50 by complimenting.

Little debbies Muffins

by VivaLaSherry - Coupons/In Store deals, Other, Product Testing, Samples
May 23 10:03 pm

Today the UPS man came knocking at the door with 2 big boxes from little debbies total 32 boxes 6 muffins in each box!! score my church is gonna love this one


by VivaLaSherry - gifts, Other, Samples
May 23 10:02 pm

I scored the wonderful picture frame Lenox
I also got this awesome Mikasa sugar and creamer set
Also got the knife caphlon
I am not sure what registrys I got them all from but I got them in the last couple of days I was sooo excited

Lots of little stuff

by VivaLaSherry - Samples
May 23 10:02 pm

6 johnson soap buddies WHOOHOO my kids love these I also have more coupons these came to $1.88 for 2 at target and they still took $2 off soo they paid me to take these home!!!!!!
icy hot patch
pull ups dvd potty training
5 hour energy drink x2
konsyl fiber supplement
hamburger helper microwave singles
neutrogena acne stress control
learning resources letter swatter
all of this showed up with in the last week!!!!!

Gods Power to Change Your Life Book, 4imprint catalog, Lahaina Noon Hawaiian Sunscreen, Recipie cards, deal, Nature Made Triple Flex

by SierraBreez - Books, gifts, Pens, Samples
May 23 9:21 pm

Gods Power to Change your Life Book
4imprint sent a catalog with a pen and some post it notes, I did not request those samples.
Lahaina Noon Hawaiian Sunscreen
Diabetic foundation sent some recipie cards with a survey deal the Pocket Power Battery
Nature Made Triple Flex


by mamaj11 - Samples
May 23 9:20 pm

These are the freebies I have from the last 2 weeks. Im sorry I dont know how to post to the links, Im still new. Whats is the pictures is: Alaway eye drops, dream catcher, seatles best coffee, starbucks coffee, dove deo, sunkist fruit wheels, hamburger helper, coffeemate creamer coupon- I turned it into coffeemate because it took me so long to post

Houseparty margaritaville

by mamaj11 - Other
May 23 8:31 pm

This is all the House Party stuff. I got most of it a couple weeks ago but a new box came today.

Yogi tea samples

by MEC - Tea
May 23 8:30 pm

I’m not to fond of these teas. The flavors are: Meditative Time, Mexican Sweet Chili, Berry Anti-Oxidant, & Lemon Ginger Tea :run:

Old El Paso samples

by MEC - Samples
May 23 8:29 pm

Taco meat seasoning and recipe book.