wine glass, dunkin donuts iced coffee, buffalo blue dog & cat food, vcf, suncrystals sweeter
Okay so I didnt get all this in one day but in less than a week I received a wine glass from the 4imprint website (its a very nice glass but has 4imprint logo on it) I went to two different dunkin donuts for that free iced coffee this past thursday (SOO GOOD!) I also got:
vaginal contriception film (3 in an envelope)
blue buffalo dog and cat food samples with coupons (dog liked it, cat not so much)
sun crystals sweetner (this stuff is very good!)
Set of MD coupons from the DVD I got with pepsi points & more
Okay, this is like my first time doing this.. Uhhh…. :ugh:
The ones on top with Asian letters I found in my mailbox today =] One set I got from ordering a DVD (thanks Chris). And the rest I got them from people I know >:D Muahahaha I stole them! Um, okay, they are being mailed to people’s homes & I asked for them hehehe, and don’t know why.. Anyway, our family is big, so these are not enough.. :kekeke: Oh, & I had to cut them nice & neat becasue they were um, huge, and it looks much better now..
Free Pet Adoption Kit -mail in
Free Seattles Best Ground Coffee Sample
Free stuff from kraft and Food & Family Magazine EXPIRED
Free Pull-Ups Big Kid Central Interactive Potty Training Success DVD
Free Garnier Fructis Daily Care 2in1 Shampoo & Conditioner EXPIRED
was this really from THIS post?