Blue Buffalo Dog Food
This is my first freebie!
original post:
My dog loves it!
This is my first freebie!
original post:
My dog loves it!
My son is special needs as some of you know. i found out he can get his diapers by prescription. since i spend easily 100 a month on diapers i went ahead and got them. they are NOT the best quality. instead of the 5 a day of white cloud he will need 7-8 a day of these. but still! WOW FREE all cause i ASKED about it! it occurred to me that they might cover this as a need for a special needs child who is in diapers at age 5.
Caress sample
Grilling recipe book
Free issue of Marie Claire (EXPIRED – sorry)
Marriage today mag issue
Walmart’s Fiber one sample (Worked second time after the first one arrived) :yum:
Free pens form ecampus
Can’t find the link for the book.. :dunno:
And.. the Nesquik shirt is an XL.. A little big, but oh well it was free! lol
Thanks Chris & everyone who mentioned about Nesquik Breakers. :wiggle:
Original post:
I got these separately a few weeks ago. Thank you Chris for a great game trading site. I’ve already sent 2 out (shipping was under $3.00 each) and gotten three back. With a teenage daughter in the house who loves games this saves me a lot of money.
There was also a $2.75 off coupon and info booklet. I’ll give this away. –link