1.54 at Walmart with facebook coupons

by leigh - Coupons/In Store deals
Aug 17 12:37 pm

original post:

did this as two transactions so as to not attract too much attention. my favorite cashier was working so she was very nice about this!! warning they only scanned with the hand scanner. just an FYI about these.

We Lost It -Alli book and $10 off coupon/rebate

by MEC - Books, Coupons/In Store deals
Aug 17 12:35 pm

If you do not need the coupon in the back of this book, let me know… 🙂


by MEC - Magazines
Aug 17 12:34 pm


by MEC - Magazines
Aug 17 12:33 pm

The Philadelphia TRUMPET

by MEC - dvds/videos/music, Magazines
Aug 17 12:18 pm

HDI Course Catalog

by MEC - Other
Aug 17 12:07 pm