Last couple weeks of mail

Okay, so I haven’t gotten around to taking pictures of everything, but I’ll give a rundown of everything I’ve gotten.
$5 Chevron gas card:
$25 Staples GC from
$25 Gamestop GC from
$10 Shell GC and a whoopie cushion from CMT: http://www.freestuffti..
$23 check from Opinion Outpost
$10 check from buzzback
$20 check from Surveyspot
Jonas Brothers poster:
Gillette bodywash:
$74 in P&G coupons:
All You mag
Woman’s Day mag
Coupons from several FST members
Comfort Zone for pets, not sure where this came from
Cottonelle moist towelettes:
Planet Heroes DVD:
GeoTrax DVD:
Secret Clinical strength:
Good Samaritan hot/cold pack:
Iron Chef board game from Shespeaks
Scott Extra Soft roll of TP:
I think that’s everything LOL

Pssst Romano’s Macaroni Grill dinner kit & 11 -$1.25 off coupons

by MEC - Coupons/In Store deals, Product Testing
Sep 27 7:06 pm

I hope it’s good lol.

Boogie Wipes gift bag

by MEC - Coupons/In Store deals, gifts, Other, Samples
Sep 27 6:51 pm

1 orange tote bag, 9 grape scented wipes, 9 fresh scented wipes, 1 tub of wipes, 20 -$1 off coupons


Berry Blast Mike & Ike candy

by MEC - Contest Wins
Sep 27 6:51 pm

I hope the other 2 I won from their contest come soon 🙂

TripAdvisor luggage tag

by MEC - Other
Sep 27 6:50 pm


Free BREEZE cat Litter System-EXPIRED

by lilangel311 - Coupons/In Store deals
Sep 27 3:06 pm

Original Post:

I got this in the mail today, so willing to trade, or give away. (If anybody did want to trade I like kotex, kashi, anything cleaning related thats free, and dog treats/dry food)

thursday n friday

by Carinaj - Samples
Sep 27 2:55 pm

i wonder y i got a second brush?!?!?! hmm its nice
i also got a cpl stuff thats not pictures
$10 GC for Shell
labels with my address
Kashi product

Free stuff at Geoffrey’s Birthday Party at Toys R US on Saturday

by Missy - Other
Sep 27 1:43 pm

we went at 12 pm and stayed til 1:30 pm

the girls got [arty hats, a train whistle, polly pockets, stickers, moon sand toys, candy, markers, and coloring books as well as coloring pages. it was fun they had the kids walk around the store blowing there whistles.

Ziploc Sandwich bags and Coupon book

by Stipton - Samples
Sep 27 8:51 am

Not sure When I signed up for this, nor do I have the link.  But I got 50 Ziploc Sandwich bags, and a copuon book with 10$ in savings on different SC Johnson products.