4 pairs of No Nonsense socks, and 2 -$1.50 off coupons
There’s also 4 $1 off coupons on the tags
There’s also 4 $1 off coupons on the tags
Used this to B1G1 x 2 because needed refills for my Glade Oil Plug Ins (so got 4 for price of 2). Only pictured 2 cause the other 2 are already in use!
Used a coupon in last Sunday’s paper to save $1.00 when you buy 2 AirWick refills, then also used a coupon where you get a free plug-in dispenser thingie when you buy two (the plug in and the other refill are already in use)
There was an IP on here somewhere but I can’t find them. Found these at Stop & Shop.
Don’t know why I got three – they all came to same name, same address. I wonder if it submitted three times because the website kept freezing and I refreshed it a few times before I got confirmation? :dunno:
The story of the Walter Hoving home. I didn’t find anything on FST about this and don’t remember requesting it… Was also sent a Christmas card from them and several solicitations for money as well.
Got 2 sets of 50 prints…. (paid shipping for one) Still waiting for the flipbook.
Wedding pics for my mom & grandma & cat pics that I send out every XMas to update our cat’s rescuers and foster parents (both were rescues).
Got two in the mail today :dunno: Only requested one….