Another La Madeleine Receipt For a FREE Pastry or Dessert

by FreeziasMom - Samples
Jun 10 5:29 pm

My husband & I ate at La Madeleine on 6/8/09, this was at the bottom of the receipt! My 2nd one, I will let y’all know what I get soon….


Dominos American Legends houseparty kit

by blindfaith73 - Coupons/In Store deals, Kits
Jun 10 5:27 pm

photo-0344 The kit came in a Domino’s Pizza Box .. There are coupons , a game and a 75$ GC (not shown)

IDK-I think its the CVS text thing

by Jennifer - gifts, Samples
Jun 10 3:44 pm

dsci0025i tried doing the text thing and i got stuck on the address part so i thought it never went through, but i guess it did :wiggle:

coupons from a trade

by Jennifer - Coupons/In Store deals
Jun 10 3:41 pm

thanks again for the trade, hubby will enjoy this

Nesquik Shakers 2009 Sampling Event pack

by Missy - Samples
Jun 10 2:22 pm

061009_122000I was already a member joined last year, this is this year’s sampling event pack. It included the usual coupons for free milk and 1.00 off coupons. It also included a soccer ball, sidewalk chalk, jump rope, frisbee, and a kite. I have to find my ball pump so I can air up the soccer ball.

Armstrong T-shirt (expired)

by Bella - Clothing
Jun 10 2:22 pm

Got this a couple days ago, and another (same) one today. It shows some sort of elephant stuck in some sort of incinerator.   😎

I got Viva la Familia from Pampers..but I need opinions! Please.

by teenoo1978 - Kits
Jun 10 2:22 pm

Ok so I got my package in today.  Both my sons are no longer wearing diapers. I have a very young neighbor (probably 18) that recently starting renting the house next to mine. She is real nice, I have talked to her a few times. She has one son that is almost 1 and just had another one a week ago. I was thinking of giving her the package. Ok since so many people had issues on here I am a little concerned if I should give her the package. She is a young Caucasian and she is married to an older Hispanic male. I don’t mind sharing my freebies, but would it seems strange to show up with a package that is written all in Spanish and say here you go I won this and you may need it more? Of course I would not say it like  that but I dont want them to take it that way. Does anyone have an opinion on what I should say or do? Thanks!

Another ARMSTRONG industrial hand tools t-shirt

by MEC - Clothing
Jun 10 12:39 am

UPS brought this one. Don’t know why it was put in an “Extremely Urgent” mailer though :rofl:

notepad from NHGC

by MEC - gifts
Jun 10 12:37 am


4 mags

by MEC - Magazines
Jun 10 12:29 am
