a few coupons found at the store

by MEC - Coupons/In Store deals
Aug 18 10:35 pm

Sobe Lifewater, BOOST, and another CVS $25 savings booklet

5 Silkies Enriche: replenish samples

by MEC - Samples
Aug 18 10:33 pm


tena pantyliners

by laurafrias - Coupons/In Store deals, Samples
Aug 18 10:32 pm

08-18-09_17514 samples of tena pantyliners and $2 off coupon

trial size st ives

by laurafrias - Samples
Aug 18 10:30 pm

08-18-09_17491 trial size st ives face scrub and $1 off coupon

bounce dryer bar coupons

by laurafrias - Coupons/In Store deals
Aug 18 10:28 pm

08-18-09_1748 1@ 2.50 3@1.50 from vocal point

pretty good mail day

by mrsterrymom - Coupons/In Store deals, Magazines, Other, Samples
Aug 18 10:23 pm

original posts:http://www.freeidealsweet.com/ https://secure.realchocolate.com/ https://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=publications.. www.hunterdouglas.com/designingwindows/index.jsp?s=homepage i cant seem to find the St. Ives link
i got a St Ives apricot scrub sample and $1.00 coupon, ideal no calorie sweetner & $1.oo coupon, 10 lorax help conserve energy books, designing windows mag, free chocolate coupon, and a check from pinecone research

Today’s USPS and UPS deliveries

by KathyinFla - Clothing, Coupons/In Store deals, Magazines
Aug 18 6:51 pm

Two free tops from JCP: http://www.freestufftimes.com/01/free-jcpenney-decree-giveaway-tank-top/ – EXPIRED
55 cents off coupon from Tribe Hummus (I would have preferred to get a T-shirt!!!  Did anyone ever get one???)
Dance Spirit magazine – uh…dunno where I got it…

Houseparty NFL

by Carinaj - Kits
Aug 18 6:47 pm


by MEC - Other
Aug 18 6:44 pm

from “Stories from the Golden Age”

2 mags

by MEC - Magazines
Aug 18 6:38 pm
