90210 Season One DVD Set
I don’t know where I won this from, but it’s great!
Better Homes & Gardens 2010 Pocket Calendar
They sent it to me with a subscription offer. Sorry I wasn’t able to get a better picture like I usually do.
Free Animal Testing Breaks Hearts action pack
Free sample of Sun Crystals Natural Sweetener
Garden Design Magazine
UNICEF Halloween Party Kit
Again, sorry I wasn’t able to get a better picture. Bad lighting so I had to adjust the exposure which made it brighter, but also gritty. This kit came with balloons, door hanger, party poster, business cards, trick or treat donation boxes, stickers, window cling, informational discs, and a nice backpack.
Right @ Home: Summer Scents gift pack
Glade (Apple Cinnamon) Scented Oil Candle tin 🙂 Smells nice! & a $1.50 off coupon
Skin care samples
Can’t find a post on FST for this one: http://www.neostrata.com/store/home.asp