2 free personal pan pizzas from pizza hut
I was selected as 1 of 100 people chosen to host the POM Wonderful Dinner Party. This is the package they sent me. There was 2 cases of pomegranates (40 total), a really cute apron, a cutting board with instruction on how to cut a pomegranate, 15 POM bags, 20 free POM Wonderful juice drink coupons, 20 POM bracelets, 20 pomegranite recipe cards, a 20 pomegranate brochures.
Awesome sampling package from Moms Meet, containing full sized Wholesome Sweeteners raw & organic honey, agave syrups, cane & organic sugar, and 30 packages with two little honey pots, cane sugar packages, and a free item coupon in each. Sweet! :kekeke: