by toph - Other
Apr 10 11:13 pm
Horrible Vons trip.. So we went to RiteAid instead…
Free Scunci hair stuff after UP rewardsX2
Free Tena Serenity UltraThins after SCRX2 (paid with UPs, limit 2)
Petsmart: almost free after $5 Petperks coupon,
Target deals (Visine, Olay $5 gc deal + coupons = $1.50 overage, Secret clinical free + overage after $3 coupon, Zyrtec),
mail: greeting cards from Card Gnome & Tiny Prints, Dove men + care samples, Plum District $10 CPK gc for referrals, “Diamanite” earrings from Nomorerack. Thanks Chris!