June Allure Free Stuff Giveaway!
by 1Tennesse - Contest Wins
Jul 23 9:24 pm
You are the lucky winner of a LIFTLAB PURIFY & CLARIFY™ Daily Cleanser & Detox Mask from the FREE STUFF giveaway in the June issue of Allure.
You are the lucky winner of a LIFTLAB PURIFY & CLARIFY™ Daily Cleanser & Detox Mask from the FREE STUFF giveaway in the June issue of Allure.
We’re happy to let you know that you’re a winner in the Apple Cinnamon Chex Instant Win promotion! You’ve won 5 eBoxTops, which has an approximate retail value of $0.50. Congratulations!
The eBoxTop credits will be credited to your account and your schools account in approximately 2-3 weeks.
It arrived today! Was completely free. It hold 10 oz. and has a barn, fence, cow, pig, and chicken. Don’t laugh…
You were selected as a winner of Yves Rocher’s giveaway in Lucky Magazine’s April issue!