Bedsider Insider Sweepstakes Winner

by jm9182a - Contest Wins
Jun 7 4:32 pm

You won the Bedsider Ditsies sweepstakes! (Yes, you really did!)
Congratulations, j_a_m_11

Your underwear dreams are about to come true. You are a Bedsider sweepstakes winner. That means you get a three-month underwear club membership from

Original Post:

Terry Naturally Stop Pain Pills from Curamin EuroPharma USA

by tonywt1 - Samples
Jun 7 12:56 am

Tricky Chicky Redbarn Naturals cat food from Redbarn Pet Products, LLC

by tonywt1 - Samples
Jun 7 12:55 am

Mail 6/1-6/6

by abbey212 - Samples
Jun 7 12:53 am

Full size bottle of BBQ sauce from Grizzly

Cereal sample

Samples of sweeteners

Coupon for free Tai Pei entree (cant find it anywhere)

Full size box of crackers for product test

Dr Scholls Bzzkit

Olive Oil Bzzkit

Trash bag sample

Been slow doing main started working part time..  :sleep: