To celebrate Earth Day Arm & Hammer and Church & Dwight Company Inc sent us a postcard embedded with seeds Thank you very much #EarthDay #Arm_Hammer and #Church_Dwight Company Inc
Sampler and FulFillment Central sent us a Free bottle of #McILMENNYCo. Tabasco Brand Pepper sauce Really taste great glad we had milk to put the fire out Thank you very much #SamplerLove #Tabasco and #FulfillmentCenter for letting us try your samples
Combat Ready Tactical Body Tape sent us free sample pack of Blister prevention Fraction Shield Skating rinks need to sale for these. Years ago with blisters would be gone Thank you very much #CombatReadyTape. They worked great preventing hand blisters to
Imported by Crown Imports, Chicago, IL Winner in the Cerveza Modelo Guatemala Instant Win Game / Sweepstakes Won a Bumpboxx Boombox Ultra Thank you very much #CervezaModelo and #Bumpboxx Boombox Really love it #CrownImports, Chicago, IL