2 coupons from an FST member
by MEC - Coupons/In Store deals
Aug 8 9:06 pm
I showed you all the coupons for these freebies in previous posts. Here’s what I got:
2 bags of Purina One cat food
Another bottle of Cascade Crystal Clear (still haven’t used the other one)
Another bottle of V8 V-fusion juice (Pomegranate Blueberry kind this time)
12-bar pack of Edy’s Fruit Bars
Uncle Ben’s Spanish Style Ready Rice (the coupon was actually for the Cajun Style that I was sent already)
There was a Snickerdoodle cookie recipe that came attached too. I may try that out at a later time, LOL.
Wow. I didn’t even send in any brushes either. LOL.. It’s nice to get these. I saw online they’re $19 each 🙂