Free from Sunflower!
4 Freezer Queen boxed entrees
4 Nesquik milks
1 Taste Escapes Lunch meat (I’ve got to print more coupons now that I’ve found it LOLLL)
1 can of Enfamil ( I should’ve given that coupon away LOL)
Friskies Crunchy Tartar treats
7 lb bag of Purina Cat Chow
1 free movie Rental from Movie Gallery “Halloween” (my mom has been a member for so long, that they gave her a free rental… which I took over LoL)
MoGo Bluetooth USB Adapter
Hi-Speed USB 2.0 : 4-Port Ultra-Mini Hub
The Conservative Guide To the 2008 Election Issues- from the Heritage Foundation
Free BREEZE cat litter system coupon
:wiggle: Wow. I finally got this coupon. I actually could not win this coupon on the site 🙁 , so I wrote them 🙂 . They made my coupon a $34.99 one instead of the regular $29.99 one some people got. I am glad of that. The systems sell here for $31.99 so it’ll definitely be free for me. They also sent me a $2 off coupon on litter pellets or cat pad refills. Hmm, I wonder how much they are. LOL.