EPA Fish For Your Health magnet
I’ll stick this on the refrigerator 🙂
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I’ll stick this on the refrigerator 🙂
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There was also a $2.75 off coupon and info booklet. I’ll give this away. –link
I like this little white handheld fan, it has so much power to keep you cool. I actually had it turned on in the picture. :kekeke: In this “Cool Down Kit” there’s also a $10 off on PREMPRO prescription, Menopausal symptom tracker, and a booklet on menopause and prempro. –link
There are 14 liquid softgels in both of the containers. –link
Samples are: Omega-3 Purified Fish Oil, Children’s DHA, & Nordic Berries Multivitamin. There was also a card that listed different Mercury levels in various fish, and some info sheets. –link