‘Half’ of a Redbook {win}
Kids Cuisine Top Secret Monster Mission IWG WIN
House party win from EAS Sport
Hi Elizabeth, Thank you again for participating in our survey! We had an overwhelming response, but we’re excited to inform you that you’re one of the 500 lucky ladies chosen to be part of the EA Sports Active Fit Club hosted by Ammo Marketing! EA Sports Active is a fun and easy exercise- based video game for you to use, all from the comfort of your own home. It’s not just a workout but it’s a holistic program that encourages healthy nutrition and fitness habits, allowing you to track your progress using the in-game journal. As an exclusive member of the Fit Club, you’ll receive the following benefits: EA Sports Active Fit Club Kit Two copies of the game. One copy is yours and the other copy is for you to gift to your chosen 30-Day Challenge buddy or during your very own house party Fit Club Guide Sponsored EAS Active House Party (50.00 Gift Card) Fitness Goodies Weekly Fit Club Newsletter Access To The Ammo Fit Club Community, Ammo Fit Guides, and EA Sports Active Community Forum and EAS Active Girl on Twitter Opportunity To Win Additional House Parties and Fun Fitness Prizes
i think this is the link http://vovici.com/wsb.dll/s/ff28g3b6fa
Zagat’s Perfect 30 Giveaway Game IWG WIN
I won this last night, i really do not want it, so i am offering it to the first person that says that want it. Here is the IWG link i won it from so you can see what it’s all about and a Screen capture of the prize is also attached I would hate for it to just go without being used. :h5:
The Donna Reed Show DVD Sweeps Winner
Heineken Blok Party
You’ve won 25 songs from Heineken! Read full terms and redeem at www.emusic.com/heinekenparty.
Exp 4/1/2010.
IWG wins
I had 4 instant wins (from Dole, Go-Gurt, Coke, and Bake It To Believe It ) in the last 2 days. Carina should really go on vacation more often 😉