Free Quaker Moms Care Club kit
Kit included a coupon for a free box of Quaker snack bars:
Coupons/In Store deals
Aug 17 6:17 pm
Coupons for a free YoPlait Whips and up to $1.85 off Ensure
4 OfficeMax freebies
copy paper, Dove chocolate promises box, pencil case, & liquid paper. Used some of my freebie Huggies visa for the rest. They also gave me (3) $5 off $25 Payless coupons. Wow.. stuff is pricey in there :rofl:
a few SEARS freebies
Used $15 in freebie gc‘s & freebie money on a Huggies gas card for the rest 🙂
2 different pairs of Joe Boxer flip-flops, (1) 3-pk socks (I love silly looking ones), (1) pair of black socks, (1) pair of blue socks, (1) pair of brown socks. They also gave me a $5 off $50 purchase coupon. They had a good sale.