Free coupons from kroger

Coupons/In Store deals
Oct 31 10:41 am

free Grands Cinnamon Rolls coupon and 10 -$1.25 off coupons from Pssst

Gillette Venus Embrace razor and 5 -$4 off coupons from VocalPoint

A lot of coupons

Coupons/In Store deals
Oct 30 7:44 pm

Idohoan mashed potatoes and coupon shopping

Coupons/In Store deals
Oct 30 6:48 pm

Now I had fun at Kroger. These are coupon shopping only. The soft scrub I had BOGO free coupon I got the 2 lemon free because the computer charged me regular price instead of the sale price. The Idahoan mashed potatoes 8 different flavors. (I can try them all and see which ones we like). Original price about $58.00 after coupons $16.44. Oh, I believe for every 4 pks you buy of the Idahoan you get a $1 off next shopping trip to Kroger. I had 4 ($1 coupons) . I’m a happy camper.

coupon shopping today 1 trip

coupon shopping today 1 trip

8 different flavors to choose from.

8 different flavors to choose from.


Coupons/In Store deals
Oct 30 1:46 pm

my free chocolate from
Original post:

Free Idahoan potatoes

Coupons/In Store deals
Oct 29 6:55 pm

Free Iams Premium Protection dog or cat food -coupon

Coupons/In Store deals
Oct 29 6:54 pm

original post:
i am not sure if this is the right post. but it is the only one it could be i think.

5 Starkist Creations / Pouch coupons

Coupons/In Store deals
Oct 29 4:49 pm

1 is bogo free, 4 are $1 off. These are from VocalPoint.

1 coupon and 2 stamps from an FST member