Kipling Order!!!
Wahoo! My free Kipling order finally came! Being a lip gloss junkie, (with over 50 of them!) I got the $28 black patent case with a nice little mirror, and the pouch contained 3 lip glosses. One is the “Mood Swing” Lip gloss, and it starts off clear and changes to a shade of pink to flatter your lip color. Another is a “Mirror, Mirror” gloss, and it looks, well, glossy! The last is SUPER sparkley, and it’s the Diamond Gloss. The only one I’ve tried so far was the Mood Swing gloss and it isn’t sticky at all. Also, it does change colors, which I thought was strange and interesting at the same time. Thank you FST for this great offer!
Kipling Gifts
Well after trading a code and seeing what everyone else was getting. I gave into temptation and signed up for gift cards. I wasn’t sure they where going to show because everyone had said they changed. I must have gotten in right before they changed it. The large one is for myself and the small one is for one of my aunts for Christmas.
$35 Target gift card
Markers Mark Ambassador Birth Certificate
Free stuff with kipling GC
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