“Fishful Thinking” Goldfish Ambassador kit
Tote bag, 5 Goldfish cracker packs, 1 notepad, 2 pens, folder, Ambassador Guide, 10 mini “Raising Optimistic Kids” guides
Free Holy Bible
This Bible is so pretty. So easy to read. This is an awesome freebie!
Pawsox Kids’ Club kit
Temporary tattoos, Certificate, poster, cards, 2 coupons for Free Upper Reserve tickets
Gilt Order
Home Depot free CFL bulb
Had to go there anyway, they still had plenty left after noon: http://www.freestufftimes.com/12/free-cfl-bulb-at-home-depot-on-april-19/
Gilt candles, Nescafe Tasters
Voluspa candles free with $35 code from Gilt: http://www.freestufftimes.com/11/free-25-gilt-groupe-gc/ (they’re AWEsome, easily THE best candles I’ve ever had!),
Nescafe Taster’s Choice Tasters welcome gift: tote bag and coffee thermos, both very nice quality (pretty sure I read about them somewhere on this site?), signup link is here: http://team.tasterschoice.com/index.php?_action=screener