7/31/10 mail
- Ok! magazine
- GoodNites boy underwear
- RAOK coupons 🙂
Got this free with a freebie $10 code from SkinCareRx. They also sent 2 samples: Translucent Make-Up 02 & Active Face Hydrating Gel
-Lane Bryant coupons
-Domino’s coupons
–OK! magazine
-Shape magazine
-Petsmart coupons including a free coupon for dog food
-Free True Lemon coupon for product testing
–Listia win: Marigold seeds
–TJ’s Health Bites dog vitamin sample
–Purina ONE dog food sample from Sam’s Club
-JET magazine
-The Cozy Chicks bookmarks
–Nicorette gum from Costco
–Listia win: Foxglove seeds
–Bayer Contour blood glucose monitor
-Que Rica Vida box with Hamburger Helper, Fiber One cereal sample and coupon
-Medical City Children’s Hospital magnet
-2011 HSUS Pet Lover’s calendar
–Lanacane sample and coupon
–Aveeno hair care sample and coupon
-Dove hair care sample from Sam’s Club
-Prilosec OTC sample
-Batman Brave 100 A Day contest win
They canceled my first SHOP order and accused me of cheating and kept the 5,000+ spent. I created another order to empty my account because I’m tired of their bull**** and this is only one of the items out of the other 10 they have yet to send me. They don’t like it when you use all of your points to get things for free, but instead want you to spend money. Check out Lockerz-scam.com for more info on why Lockerz is not a good idea and a waste of time. Pretty much, you earn them money by watching the videos and answering questions on their website and while they get money for you doing things on their site, you will rarely ever get rewarded. If you leave negative feedback on their Facebook page, your posts will be deleted and you will be censored. Their phone number tells you to email them. You cannot talk to an actual person. The Better Business Bureau rated their company an F. If you would still like a Lockerz invitation, please email me at annaisabanana08@yahoo.com with the subject LOCKERZ.
-Tiger’s Eye Ring (still expecting 10 more items)