Cafemom sampling program
ohh i have really wanted to try Method!! this is a nice one to get
ohh i have really wanted to try Method!! this is a nice one to get
-Woman’s Day magazine
-Cycle World magazine
-Trade with Schack32
-Shape magazine
-Field & Stream magazine
-Sailing World magazine
–American Cheerleader magazine
-Domino’s Pizza coupons
-Marlin magazine
-Take Back America 2010 sticker
-3 free Crunch bar coupons
–Betty Crocker $10 savings booklet
–Similac coupons
-PETA2 McCruelty leaflets & stickers
–Protection One pet decals
-Women Heart Pill Tote
Got the gift cards from the birthday email newsletter promotion.
-Pair of Converse (anyone know how to “properly” wear the double tongued Converse?) $39.99
-Pair of Men’s Saucony crosstrainers on clearance for $17.99
-Pair of Brava Soccer men’s shoes for my sister
-Only had to pay like $13.00 for $83.00 worth of shoes
My sister gave me a nice dress shirt that I can wear properly if I lose a size (Academy shoes come in handy here), a Mickey Mouse watch that needs a battery, candy, a tiny deck of cards, and a Midnight Pomegranate Bath & Body Works body wash that a needy teenager left/hid above the water heater (so no one would use her stuff) – full size so yaye me. Amazing the stuff you can find when you clean!
-Modern Painters – March 2010
-Mystic Stamp Company Catalog & Stamps
-Jet magazine – March 8, 2010
–Yogi Tea samples & coupons (Green Tea Kombucha, Echinacea, Immune Support, Egyptian Licorice, Ginger, Healthy Fasting, Detox)
-P&G Brand Sampler
-3 Crunch bar free product coupons
–Trollsen stickers from PETA
-Business Week magazine
-Free adjustment from Chiropractor for Patient Appreciation Week
–Honey Nut Cheerios check for $5.00
-Redzone sample
-Redplum, Smartsource, & P&G Brand Saver coupons
Scope Outlast mouthwash, Crest toothpaste with Scope outlast, and 2 coupons