Quaker True Delights chewy Granola bar and $1 off coupon

The whole “Dark Chocolate Raspberry Almond” mix was weird lol

Real Simple “Produce Manager” magnet, “Abundance is Yours!” booklet, 3 Yogi teas and 50 cent off coupon


CankerMelts and $1 off coupon


“Love Never Fails” Necklace

Feb 23 3:11 pm

Finally got it. Came from From Crystal Cathedral.They also sent me a letter with a survey to request another one.

2 Magazines,$5 Wendy GC, 2 Soap Buddies

Feb 22 10:12 pm

Elle Magazine- My 3yr old loved looking at all the designer clothes (shes starting young i guess)
Cosmo Magazine
$5 Wendy gift card for doing that survey of lies
2 J&J Soap buddies- used coupon only spent .41 cents onn both of them. They smell great.

Got a new flatiron for free!!

Feb 22 2:34 pm

My flat iron actually broke in half yesterday How does that happen??? So I looked in my purse and realized I had $30 worth of free stuff for walgreens ($25 in RR and $5 on a gift card) so I decided that was probably my best bet. I got on their website to see what brands they had then started googling it to find coupons. I ended up finding a $10 off coupon for one of the brands so I printed it and went to the store. When I got there, the one I wanted was $59.99 but it was on sale for $39.99….So, I had a $10 coupon plus $25 in RR and a $5 gift card. Add those up and you get $40! Woohoo! Everyone recommends Chi, but I didn’t like it at all (since it broke!) so I guess I will see how this brand works!

Free Defense Soap sample

Feb 21 8:00 pm

Free sample of Quaker Dark Chocolate Raspberry Almond True Delights

Feb 21 7:56 pm

Petco freebies today

Feb 21 7:31 pm

we went in to use the $10 off $10 coupon they mailed us and got the collar with a bell and a cat toy, they also gave us a water bottle and a disposable foldable water dish. kinda nifty

Bzz Agent Pledge Fabric sweeper for pet hair campaign bzz kit

Feb 21 7:28 pm

another nice surprise!! i was not expecting the bottle or multi surface dusting and cleaning spray!