Free twist jar opener-EXPIRED
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original posts- and the coupon from CVS in a home mailer.
This is the Rain Organics Vodka BzzCampaign.
I received:
-The Rain Organics Vodka BzzGuide
-A Rain Organics Vodka Rebate form (they will only rebate up to $24.99)
-A Rain Organics Vodka Emery Board
-Cards featuring drink recipes
I went to the state store and bought the Rain Organics Vodka Original, it only cost $19.99 and I have to mail the forms back and I will get my money back, so in the end it will be free. The one I bought came in a white mesh bag with cute blue flip flops size 7-8, not all the bottles came with this. I don’t drink so this is going to be a christmas gift.