2 mags

by MEC - Magazines
Feb 26 5:50 pm

ESPN & Soap opera Digest

Digiorno 200 Calorie Pizza

by Anna - Samples
Feb 26 5:50 pm

Free with coupon. Originally $2.50 at Wal-Mart. Wouldn’t buy these otherwise. Tiny, but filling if you eat both servings which makes it 400 calories instead, which also defeats the purpose of eating healthier. Tasted okay. I like Totino’s better. You get more and they are a lot cheaper.

trade and raok from the forum

by leigh - Samples
Feb 26 4:25 pm

thank you so very much ladies

Colgate home mailer coupons

by leigh - Samples
Feb 26 4:24 pm

I wrote to them about how dissappointed I was about them not removing the kids program offer from thier site and that you dont discover it is no longer valid til you COMPLETE it. they sent these as an apology

Listia.com auction wins

by leigh - Samples
Feb 26 4:24 pm

sooo cute!

Cafemom sampling program

by leigh - Samples
Feb 26 4:24 pm

ohh i have really wanted to try Method!! this is a nice one to get

Mail 02/25/2010

by Anna - Samples
Feb 26 4:00 pm

-Woman’s Day magazine
-Cycle World magazine
-Trade with Schack32
-Shape magazine
-Field & Stream magazine
-Sailing World magazine
American Cheerleader magazine
-Domino’s Pizza coupons
-Marlin magazine
-Take Back America 2010 sticker
-3 free Crunch bar coupons
Betty Crocker $10 savings booklet
Similac coupons
-PETA2 McCruelty leaflets & stickers
Protection One pet decals
-Women Heart Pill Tote

Academy Gift Card Buys

by Anna - Samples
Feb 26 3:56 pm

Got the gift cards from the birthday email newsletter promotion.
-Pair of Converse (anyone know how to “properly” wear the double tongued Converse?) $39.99
-Pair of Men’s Saucony crosstrainers on clearance for $17.99
-Pair of Brava Soccer men’s shoes for my sister
-Only had to pay like $13.00 for $83.00 worth of shoes

Sister Giveaways

by Anna - Samples
Feb 26 3:55 pm

My sister gave me a nice dress shirt that I can wear properly if I lose a size (Academy shoes come in handy here), a Mickey Mouse watch that needs a battery, candy, a tiny deck of cards, and a Midnight Pomegranate Bath & Body Works body wash that a needy teenager left/hid above the water heater (so no one would use her stuff) – full size so yaye me. Amazing the stuff you can find when you clean!

Mail 02/24/2010

by Anna - Samples
Feb 26 1:18 am

-Modern Painters – March 2010
-Mystic Stamp Company Catalog & Stamps
-Jet magazine – March 8, 2010
Yogi Tea samples & coupons (Green Tea Kombucha, Echinacea, Immune Support, Egyptian Licorice, Ginger, Healthy Fasting, Detox)