Procter and Gamble Pantene shampoo,Conditioner,Pampers Baby wipes,Cruisers and coupons

by Denis3Nadin3 - Coupons/In Store deals, Samples
Apr 30 2:05 pm

Garnier 2 in 1 Wrinkle Reducer Serum and Moisturizer

by Denis3Nadin3 - Samples
Apr 30 2:05 pm

Free Mother’s Day Card at

by Denis3Nadin3 - gifts
Apr 30 1:59 pm

Free stuff from Target 4/30/12

by kellieleigh04 - Other
Apr 30 11:27 am

2 Free OneTouch Ultra Mini Meters:
3 Free Reach Floss:
2 Free Starbucks Refreshers (coupon was in 4/29 Sunday paper)

Free stuff from CVS 4/29

by kellieleigh04 - Other
Apr 29 11:24 pm
Colgate MaxClean, SmartFoam, MaxWhite, or MaxFresh Toothpaste 6 oz. – $2.99
You get $2.49 in Extra Care Bucks Limit 2 Used the $0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste 4.0 oz. or large  -expires 5/19/12 coupon from the 4/29 Smartsource inserts
So paid $4.98 out of pocket, but got $4.98 immediately back in ECB. Thanks Chris!

Shape Magazine And Home Made Simple Coupons

by Denis3Nadin3 - Coupons/In Store deals, Magazines
Apr 29 11:23 pm

Flanax Pain reliever Tablets

by Denis3Nadin3 - Samples
Apr 29 11:23 pm

Cypress Cay Pontoons Sticker

by Denis3Nadin3 - Stickers
Apr 29 11:23 pm

Free Stuff from Publix 4/29

by kellieleigh04 - Other
Apr 29 11:23 pm

Publix 4/29
Beneful were $5.79 buy one get one free so total = $11.58, but used 2 $2/1 coupons from the Sunday 4/29 paper which took my total to = $7.58, then used 2 $2/1 Publix coupons which took my total to = $3.58, then used 2 $2/1 Target coupons (my Publix accepts Target as a competitor) which took my total to $-0.42 in overage…so completely free! Also the Covergirl was $2.99, used a $1/1 Manufacturer Coupon + used $2/1 Publix coupon which left me with $-.01 in overage, then the always liners were $1.27 and I had a $1.50/1 which left me with $-0.23 in overage. So everything was completely free! Thanks so much to Chris for always posting in the Coupons page too…really helps out everywhere I go!

Neosporin Essentials rebate and coupon and rebate check

by tonywt1 - Coupons/In Store deals
Apr 28 10:55 pm